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How to Read a JDK Enhancement Proposal - Inside Java Newscast #74#video#openjdk #community #java‑next
OpenJDK evolves Java through JDK Enhancement Proposals, JEP for short, and uses them to communicate its intentions, but the the devil is in the details
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Java Highlights of 2023 - Inside Java Newscast #60#video#turn‑of-the-year #on‑ramp #java‑8 #community #meta
2023 is coming to a close and it was quite a year for Java! Let's look back at some of the highlights: on-ramp improvements, why Java 8 is dying, JVMLS, community achievements, and how cool our YouTube channel is. 😊
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Java Architects Answer Your Java Questions#video#community #project‑amber #project‑loom #project‑valhalla #project‑leyden
Try/catch expressions? Valhalla timeline? Synchronizing virtual threads? And many more. Here's how Brian Goetz, Alan Bateman, Stuart Marks, and Kevin Rushforth answered your questions.
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From Idea to IDE - How Java Features Are Considered, Designed, And Shipped#talk#openjdk #community
How a community of Java enthusiasts drives innovation for 15 years, turning ideas into designs into code into features you can use in your IDE
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GraalVM In OpenJDK And More JavaOne Announcements - Inside Java Newscast #36#video#community #java‑8 #java‑17 #openjdk #performance
Oracle will contribute GraalVM's just-in-time compiler and native image technology to OpenJDK. It will also create EA and GA builds for JavaFX 20+ and is hard at work at creating generational ZGC to vastly improve ZGC's already impressive performance. And then there's the Java SE Subscription Enterprise Performance Pack, a drop-in replacement for JDK 8 with JDK 17 performance.
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What is OpenJDK? - Inside Java Newscast #28#video#openjdk #community #java‑basics
What's "OpenJDK" (or "the OpenJDK"?), how does it work, and what does it do? Here's the answer to these questions as well as explorations of JDK Enhancement Proposals, the Java Community Process, why there are so many JDK providers, and how long-term support works.
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News Grab Bag: Loom Virtual Threads, Lilliput, Pattern Matching, ... - Inside Java Newscast #25#video#project‑loom #tools #project‑lilliput #project‑amber #pattern‑matching #community
Project Loom's virtual threads are merged and ship with JDK 19 - here's to prepare for them. Also, news on Project Lilliput, proposal for record patterns in pattern matching, some astonishing numbers from Sonatype on Maven Central, and the move of OpenJDK to openjdk.org.
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26 Hours of Java#event#conversation #community
On May 29th we'll throw a late birthday party for Java, which turned 26 a few days before. With a 26-hour live stream relay race! 🥳
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To Jupiter And Beyond - On An Exploratory Mission With JUnit Pioneer#talk#junit‑pioneer #junit‑5 #community #documentation #tools
JUnit Pioneer gathers JUnit 5 extensions. This talk discusses the technical aspects, but also the mission, dev practices, automatic releases, and what Twitch has to do with all of this.
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25 Hours of Java#event#conversation #community
On May 23rd 2020, Java turns 25 🥳 and what better way to celebrate its birthday than with a 25-hour live stream? (On Twitch: https://twitch.tv/nipafx)
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How We Upgraded From Java 8 And Why You Can (And Should) Do It Too#video#community #migration
My two minutes of fame during the Oracle Code One 2019 keynote
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Jakarta EE, javax, And A Week Of Turmoil#post#community #jakarta
During a week of turmoil, many people have written about Jakarta EE and javax. This post summarizes the community's opinions and gives you plenty of links.
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Welcome, Java 9!#video#community #java‑9
Java 9 is out today and with other members of the community I'm throwing a welcome party. Get an all around view on the new Java release with various opinions, tips, and great sources!
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Impressions of JavaZone 2017#video#community
A few impressions of my stay at JavaZone 2017 to music from
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SPJCN IV: Quo Vadis Scala#post#community #scala
In the fourth issue of SitePoint’s Java Channel Newsletter (from October 21st 2016) I summarize the discussion of Scala's presumable demise.
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SPJCN III: JavaOne 2016#post#community
In the third issue of SitePoint’s Java Channel Newsletter (from October 7th 2016) I summarize JavaOne 2016 and recommend interesting talks to watch.
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Rewrite, Architecture, Extensions Of JUnit 5#video#community #junit‑5
What were the reasons for the rewrite? How does JUnit 5 compare to JUnit 4? What's so special about the architecture and the extension points?
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SPJCN I: Hello World#post#community
In the first issue of SitePoint's Java Channel Newsletter (September 9th 2016) I babble about community and conferences.
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JEEConf 2016#post#community
My take on JEEConf 2016: showing the talks I liked the best, raving about the community, romanticizing Kiev, and giving some feedback. Summary: awesome!
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JavaOne 2015: Under The Hood Of Project Jigsaw#post#java‑next #impulse #java‑9 #community #project‑jigsaw
JavaOne 2015 saw a series of talks by the Project Jigsaw team about modularity in Java 9. This one gives a peek under the hood discussing layers and class loaders.
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JavaOne 2015: Advanced Modular Development#post#java‑next #impulse #java‑9 #community #project‑jigsaw
JavaOne 2015 saw a series of talks by the Project Jigsaw team about modularity in Java 9. This one details different migration scenarios.
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JavaOne 2015: Introduction to Modular Development#post#java‑next #impulse #java‑9 #community #project‑jigsaw
JavaOne 2015 saw a series of talks by the Project Jigsaw team about modularity in Java 9. This one introduces the basic concepts.
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JavaOne 2015: Prepare For JDK 9#post#java‑next #impulse #java‑9 #community #project‑jigsaw
JavaOne 2015 saw a series of talks by the Project Jigsaw team about modularity in Java 9. This one explains how to prepare for it.