Everything in


On this blog, I mostly write about Java - these are all the posts I've published here:

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Java 20 🥱#post#java‑20
The list of big new features that can be used in production with Java 20 is rather short: . (That was it already.) Pretty boring, these six-month releases. We really don't need to take a closer look ...
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How To Use switch In Modern Java#post#switch #pattern‑matching
Since Java 14 introduced switch expressions, using switch isn't as straight-forward as it used to be: colons or arrows, statement or expression, labels or patterns? Here's how to best use switch in modern Java.
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Configuring Maven For Compiled And Tested Code In Javadoc#post#java‑18 #documentation #tools
For JDK 18's / JEP 413's embedded snippets to be compiled and tested by your Maven build, they need to be added to a source set, Surefire needs to pick them up, and Javadoc needs to know their location - here's how to do that.
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More Opinions On Optional#post#optional
How much work is it to wrap Optional? Do you need to null-check Optional arguments? What about serializability and framework support? And why consider the type in the first place? Answers in here!
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Better Random Number Generation in Java 17#post#java‑17 #random
Java 17 expands the API for random number generation to make it more usable, extensible, and robust with RandomGenerator and RandomGeneratorFactory at its core.
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Visitor Pattern Considered Pointless - Use Pattern Switches Instead#post#patterns #pattern‑matching #sealed
In modern Java, the visitor pattern is no longer needed. Using sealed types and switches with pattern matching achieves the same goals with less code and less complexity.
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Why Java's Records Are Better* Than Lombok's @Data and Kotlin's Data Classes#post#java‑16 #records #rant
While all three remove boilerplate, the similarities don't go much further. Records have stronger semantics with important downstream benefits, which makes them better*. (* not always; depends on circumstances; excuse the clickbait)
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Definitive Guide To Java 16#post#java‑16
A detailed guide to Java 16: records, type patterns, sealed classes; Stream and HTTP/2 additions, Unix domain socket support; Project Panama previews, packaging tool, performance improvements, and more
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Code-First Unix Domain Socket Tutorial#post#java‑16
Java's socket channel / server-socket channel API can use Unix domain sockets for faster and more secure inter-process communication on the same host
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Type Pattern Matching with instanceof#post#java‑16 #java‑basics #pattern‑matching
Type patters with instanceof are Java's first step towards pattern matching. Motivation, syntax, details, and future applications - here's all you need to know.
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Pattern Matching in Java#post#java‑basics #pattern‑matching
Java takes its first steps towards pattern matching but the topic is much larger than instanceof. Goals, terminology, flow scoping - these apply to all kinds of patterns.
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Sorting A React App Into Java's Folder Structure#post#js #libraries #tools
How to use react-app-rewired to sort a React app into a Java folder structure with package.json at the root, and sources in src/{main|test}/js
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Java 2077#post#java‑next #project‑amber #project‑jigsaw #project‑leyden #project‑loom #project‑panama #project‑valhalla
The year is 2077, the Java version is 128. It's not LTS. Here's how Loom, Valhalla, Panama, Leyden, Amber, and Jigsaw pushed humanity to the brink. And how you can save us.
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Broken Stream::group with Java 16's mapMulti#post#java‑16 #streams
Java 16 adds a new method mapMulti to Stream and it can be abused to simulate a reverse-flatMap aka group operation (with shortcomings).
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Faster flatMaps with Stream::mapMulti in Java 16#post#java‑16 #streams #performance
Java 16 adds a new method mapMulti to Stream. It fills the same role as flatMap, but is more imperative - and faster.
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Java Modules Cheat Sheet#post#j_ms #java‑9 #java‑11
A cheat sheet for building and running Java modules from the command line with javac, jar, and java
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JUnit Pioneer 1.0#post#junit‑pioneer #junit‑5 #testing
Yesterday we released JUnit Pioneer 1.0 🥳 - here's a quick rundown of its features
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Definitive Guide To Java 13#post#java‑13
A detailed guide to Java 13: text blocks, switch expressions with yield, ZGC, dynamic AppCDS archives
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Improve Launch Times On Java 13 With Application Class-Data Sharing#post#java‑10 #java‑12 #java‑13 #performance
On Java 10+, you can use application class-data sharing to reduce launch times, response time outliers, and memory footprint. By archiving class data with -Xshare:dump and loading it with -Xshare:on, the JVM's class loading workload can be reduced considerably.
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Definitive Guide To Switch Expressions In Java 13#post#java‑13 #java‑basics #switch
Java 13 finalized switch expressions. Together with a new lambda-style arrow syntax, this makes switch more expressive and less error-prone.
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The JPMS Maturity Model#post#j_ms
Java's module system requires consistent support by libraries, frameworks, and tools. This maturity model classifies a project's support for the JPMS.
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Evolving Java With ––enable–preview aka Preview Language Features#post#java‑next
Use --enable-preview (plus --source or --release during compilation) to experiment with Java's preview features
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Definitive Guide To Text Blocks In Java 13#post#java‑13 #java‑basics
Java 13 introduces text blocks: string literals that span multiple lines. Learn about syntax, indentation, escape sequences, and formatting.
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Immutable Collections In Java - Not Now, Not Ever#post#collections
The JDK contains immutable collections, but no type ImmutableCollection. Here's why that's so and why it won't change.
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Jakarta EE, javax, And A Week Of Turmoil#post#community #jakarta
During a week of turmoil, many people have written about Jakarta EE and javax. This post summarizes the community's opinions and gives you plenty of links.
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Definitive Guide To Java 12#post#java‑12 #migration
Detailed Java 12 guide: migration, versions; switch expressions, teeing collectors, indenting/transforming strings (and more); default CDS, Shenandoah, G1.
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Teeing Collector in Java 12#post#java‑12 #streams
The teeing collector, available since Java 12 as Collectors::teeing, forwards its input to two other collectors before merging their results with a function.
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Eleven Hidden Gems In Java 11#post#java‑11
Eleven small but shiny additions in Java 11 to classes like String, Path, Files, Collection, Optional, and others that make coding a little more elegant.
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Scripting Java 11, Shebang And All#post#java‑11 #tools #on‑ramp
On Java 11+, you can run a single source file without compiling it. Beyond experimentation, you can write scripts this way. Even shebang is supported!
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Reactive HTTP/2 Requests And Responses In Java 11#post#java‑11
With Java 11's new reactive HTTP/2 API, request and response bodies can be handled with reactive streams: you can throttle, stream, and cancel early.
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Java 11 HTTP/2 API Tutorial#post#java‑11 #java‑basics
Tutorial for Java 11's new HTTP/2 API with HttpClient, HttpRequest, and HttpResponse at its center. Shows synchronous and asynchronous request handling.
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All You Need To Know For Migrating To Java 11#post#java‑11 #migration
Migrating from Java 8 to Java 11? This has got you covered: licensing, long-term support, preparations, version requirements, migration challenges, and more.
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JUnit 5 Architecture or "What's Jupiter?"#post#architecture #junit‑5 #libraries #testing
The JUnit 5 architecture promotes a better separation of concerns than JUnit 4 did. It also provides clear APIs for testers (Jupiter) and tools (Platform).
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JUnit 5 Extension Model: How To Create Your Own Extensions#post#architecture #junit‑5 #libraries #testing
The JUnit 5 extension model enables detailed, flexible, and powerful additions to JUnit 5's core features. For that it provides specific extension points.
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JUnit 5 Conditions: @Enabled, @Disabled, Customized#post#junit‑5 #libraries #testing
A detailed look at JUnit 5's @Disabled, @DisabledOnOs, @DisabledOnJre, etc. and how to create custom conditions to flexibly disable test methods.
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JUnit 5 - Parameterized Tests#post#junit‑5 #libraries #testing
Thorough introduction to parameterized tests in JUnit 5 with @ParameterizedTest, argument sources (eg @MethodSource, @CsvSource), and argument converters.
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JUnit 5 Setup in IntelliJ, Eclipse, Maven, and Gradle#post#tools #junit‑5 #libraries #testing
How to set up JUnit 5 so tests run in IntelliJ, Eclipse, Maven, Gradle or, if all else fails, via JUnit 4 or on the command line.
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JUnit 5 Basics: @Test, Lifecycle, Assertions, Assumptions, And More#post#java‑basics #junit‑5 #libraries #testing
The Basics of JUnit 5: How to use @Test, @BeforeAll, @BeforeEach, @AfterEach, @AfterAll, assertions, and assumptions. How to disable, name, and tag tests.
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JUnit 5 - Dynamic Tests#post#junit‑5 #lambda #libraries #testing
With JUnit 5's dynamic tests, we can create tests at run time, for example to parameterize tests, create hierarchical test plans, or define tests with lambdas.
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Unlocking Traits With var#post#default‑methods #java‑10 #lambda #var
In Java 10, var makes it is possible to ad-hoc combine traits into an instance that matches your exact requirements. Alas, it has some downsides.
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Tricks with var and anonymous classes (that you should never use at work)#post#anonymous‑classes #java‑10 #var
Local-variable type inference with var makes it easier to work with anonymous classes, e.g. for ad-hoc fields and methods. Don't do it, though!
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Unlocking Intersection Types With var#post#generics #java‑10 #var
Java 10's var makes intersection types in Java more approachable. Generics tricks are still needed, but var makes it easy to declare such variables.
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How To Use Multi-release JARs To Target Multiple Java Versions#post#tools #java‑9
Multi-release JARs allow you to create a single JAR that contains bytecode for several Java versions with jar --version 9 (or 10, or...). Presented with a multi-release JAR, JVMs version 9 and later will load the code that was included for their version.
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Code-First Java 9 Tutorial#post#java‑9 #migration #streams #optional #collections #j_ms
Showing code for the most important Java 9 features: private interface methods, stream and optional APIs, collection factories, reactive streams, stack walking, multi-release JARs, redirected platform logging, unified logging, the module system, and more. If you're new to Java 9, start here.
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Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018#post#turn‑of-the-year
2017 draws to a close and 2018 is knocking. My annual review and preview went to my newsletter, so subscribe or head over to Medium to read them.
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Maven on Java 9 and later - Six Things You Need To Know#post#java‑9 #tools
How to use the compiler executable, toolchains, and mavenrc to run Maven on Java 9 and how to use mvn/jvm.config and profiles to configure your build.
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First Contact With 'var' In Java 10#post#java‑10 #java‑basics #var
Java 10 introduces the var keyword, which lets the compiler infer local variable types. Here's how var works, why it exists, how it impacts readability.
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Making JSR 305 Work On Java 9#post#java‑9 #j_ms #migration
Using annotations from JSR-305 (@Nonnull, @Nullable) and javax.annotation (@Generated, @PostConstruct) on Java 9 causes a split package. Here's the fix.
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Code-First Java Module System Tutorial#post#java‑9 #java‑basics #j_ms
Tutorial of Java 9 module system basics: declare modules with module-info.java, compile, package, launch them, learn of module path and readability graph.
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Unified Logging Of JVM Messages With The -Xlog Option#post#java‑9 #java‑basics
Java 9 introduces unified logging, a central mechanism configurable with -Xlog to observe class loading, threading, garbage collector, module system, etc.
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Five Command Line Options To Hack The Java Module System#post#java‑9 #j_ms
Get your code running on the Java 9 Module System with the command line options --add-exports, --add-opens, --add-modules, --add-reads, and --patch-module.
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Planning Your Java 9 Update#post#java‑9 #jdeps #migration
A Java 9 update is not always trivial; quite the opposite, migrating to Java 9 can be challenging. Here's how to gather and categorize problems.
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Java 9 Migration Guide: The Seven Most Common Challenges#post#java‑9 #j_ms #migration
Solutions to the seven most common challenges for a Java 9 migration. Each of them explained with background, symptoms, and fixes.
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A JDeps Tutorial - Analyze Your Project's Dependencies#post#java‑basics #j_ms #jdeps #tools
JDeps is a dependency analysis tool for Java bytecode (class files and JARs). Learn how to use filters, aggregate results, and create diagrams.
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Java 9 Resources - Talks, Articles, Repos, Blogs, Books And Courses#post#java‑9
Java 9 draws and the number of posts and talks about it skyrocketed in the recent months. Here's a list of recommended talks and articles but also further resources where new, high-quality content will pop up.
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Optional Dependencies with requires static#post#java‑9 #j_ms
The Java Platform Module System allows optional dependencies with requires static. They are accessible at compile but can be absent at run time.
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Repackaging Exceptions In Streams#post#clean‑code #java‑8 #lambda #streams
How to repackage checked exceptions that get thrown in a Java stream pipeline so that they can be thrown without the compiler complaining about it.
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Why Elvis Should Not Visit Java#post#clean‑code #optional #rant
The desire for the Elvis operator for easier null-handling echoes through the Java community. But due to Java's type system, it should never be introduced!
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SPJCN IV: Quo Vadis Scala#post#community #scala
In the fourth issue of SitePoint’s Java Channel Newsletter (from October 21st 2016) I summarize the discussion of Scala's presumable demise.
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Reflection vs Encapsulation#post#java‑9 #j_ms #project‑jigsaw #reflection
Reflection wants to break into all code; encapsulation wants to give modules a safe space. How can this stand off be resolved?
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Hello 2017!#post#turn‑of-the-year
To finish all the projects I started in 2016, I will have to be disciplined and focused in 2017. Discipline and focus, what delightful words to start 2017.
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Goodbye 2016, Sorry For Fucking Up#post#turn‑of-the-year
Besides humanity as a whole fucking up 2016, it went well for me professionally. Maybe because I only cared about me? Possible...
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SPJCN III: JavaOne 2016#post#community
In the third issue of SitePoint’s Java Channel Newsletter (from October 7th 2016) I summarize JavaOne 2016 and recommend interesting talks to watch.
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Publishing Snapshots With Gradle's maven-publish Plugin#post#tools
A step by step tutorial how to use Gradle and the maven-publish plugin to publish snapshots to Sonatype's Maven snapshot repo.
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SPJCN II: What's Taking So Long?#post#java‑9 #project‑jigsaw
In the second issue of SitePoint’s Java Channel Newsletter (from September 23rd 2016) I wonder why Java 9 takes so long.
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What Future Java Might Look Like#post#java‑next #project‑valhalla #generics #pattern‑matching #primitive‑classes
Java's future is full of cool advances: data classes, value types, generics over primitives, pattern matching, etc. Let's peek into Java's future!
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SPJCN I: Hello World#post#community
In the first issue of SitePoint's Java Channel Newsletter (September 9th 2016) I babble about community and conferences.
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Code Reviews At Disy - Observations#post#code‑review #techniques
After reviewing almost all code we wrote for 18 months, completing some 1'500 reviews, we want to share some recommendations.
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Code Reviews At Disy - How We Review#post#code‑review #techniques
After setting out to create a peer review culture we came up with a workflow and picked a tool (yes, Crucible) that would help us get there.
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The Ultimate Guide To Java 9#post#java‑next #java‑9
Java 9 is coming! Besides Jigsaw it brings new language features and many new and improved APIs. Check out the ultimate guide.
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Rebutting 5 Common Stream Tropes#post#java‑8 #rant #streams
Articles about Java 8's streams often repeat a bunch of tropes: succinctness, ugly mechanics, anemic pipelines, weak exception handling. This is a rebuttal!
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Code Reviews At Disy - Where We Were And What We Wanted#post#code‑review #techniques
At Disy we review almost all the code we write. Here, we want to share why that was not always the case and how we started with code reviews.
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Goodbye Disy, Hello SitePoint#post#meta
I worked for Disy for about 2 years. Now I said goodbye to become the editor of SitePoint's burgeoning Java channel and have more time for other projects.
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Oh No, I Forgot Stream::iterate!#post#java‑9 #streams
In Java 9 Stream gets a couple of new methods - one of them is an overload of iterate that takes a predicate and returns a finite stream.
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Java 9 Additions To Optional#post#java‑9 #optional
Java 9 is coming! One of the changes are new methods on Optional: stream(), or(), and ifPresentOrElse(), which considerably improve Optional's API.
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Java 9 Additions To Stream#post#java‑9 #streams
Java 9 is coming! One of the many changes are new Stream methods: takeWhile, dropWhile, and ofNullable. For more fun with streams!
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How To Implement hashCode Correctly#post#java‑basics
So you wrote a nice equals implementation? Great! But now you have to implement hashCode as well. Let’s see how to do it correctly.
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How To Implement equals Correctly#post#java‑basics
A fundamental aspect of any Java class is its definition of equality. It is determined by a class's equals method. Let's see how to implement it correctly.
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JEEConf 2016#post#community
My take on JEEConf 2016: showing the talks I liked the best, raving about the community, romanticizing Kiev, and giving some feedback. Summary: awesome!
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CodeFX Leveled Up#post#meta
A lot of things are happening right now: I'm writing a book, I'll speak at conferences, you can hire me, and to top it off, I gave this blog a new look.
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A Doomed Code Review#post#code‑review #techniques
Code reviews should be brief, short, and focused. This is the story of how I fucked up on all those accounts and we still made it work.
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Seven Reasons Against Blogging#post#meta #rant
Many people will tell you how great blogging is but there are downsides, too, and they are rarely discussed. So let me share some reasons against blogging.
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Building Atom On Gentoo#post#tools
See how to build Atom on Gentoo straight from the sources.
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Costs And Benefits Of Comments#post#clean‑comments #documentation
As with most things in software development the ultimate currency for comments is time. This is an analysis of the costs and benefits of comments.
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Implied Readability With requires transitive#post#java‑9 #j_ms
In Java 9 a module must read another to use its API. With implied readability a 3rd module passes the dependency on, allowing the 1st to read the 2nd.
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Beware Of findFirst() And findAny()#post#java‑8 #streams
Stream.findFirst() and findAny() work with any number of elements in the stream. Make sure to reduce(toOnlyElement()) if there should be at most one.
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Hello 2016!#post#turn‑of-the-year
In 2016 I want to continue blogging, branch out into new areas, work on my private projects, learn me a Haskell, and prevent exhaustion.Wow, so much to do.
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Goodbye 2015!#post#turn‑of-the-year
2015 is over and I'm looking back.How did it go, which things worked out and which didn't. And how come I'm feeling so tired recently.
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Jigsaw Hands-On Guide#post#java‑next #project‑jigsaw
A Jigsaw tutorial explaining how to create modules, state dependencies between them, and use the module system as a service locator to decouple modules.
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JDeps Maven Plugin 0.2 Released#post#java‑9 #jdeps #tools #project‑jigsaw
With v0.2 the JDeps Maven Plugin allows the creation of flexible exceptions from build-breaking for a self-paced preparation for Java 9 and Project Jigsaw.
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Six-Month Delay Of Java 9 Release#post#java‑next #java‑9 #project‑jigsaw
Mark Reinhold proposed a six-month delay of JSR 376 / Project Jigsaw and thus of the Java 9 release. According to this JDK 9 would come out in March 2017.
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JUnit Lambda - The Prototype#post#junit‑5 #libraries #testing
JUnit Lambda will eventually bring us JUnit 5. This is a discussion of the recent prototype, its features, core principles and compatibility considerations.
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JavaOne 2015: Under The Hood Of Project Jigsaw#post#java‑next #impulse #java‑9 #community #project‑jigsaw
JavaOne 2015 saw a series of talks by the Project Jigsaw team about modularity in Java 9. This one gives a peek under the hood discussing layers and class loaders.
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JavaOne 2015: Advanced Modular Development#post#java‑next #impulse #java‑9 #community #project‑jigsaw
JavaOne 2015 saw a series of talks by the Project Jigsaw team about modularity in Java 9. This one details different migration scenarios.
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JavaOne 2015: Introduction to Modular Development#post#java‑next #impulse #java‑9 #community #project‑jigsaw
JavaOne 2015 saw a series of talks by the Project Jigsaw team about modularity in Java 9. This one introduces the basic concepts.
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JavaOne 2015: Prepare For JDK 9#post#java‑next #impulse #java‑9 #community #project‑jigsaw
JavaOne 2015 saw a series of talks by the Project Jigsaw team about modularity in Java 9. This one explains how to prepare for it.
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Will There Be Module Hell?#post#java‑next #java‑9 #project‑jigsaw
Java 9's Project Jigsaw promises to solve JAR hell but falls short when it comes to conflicting versions. Will there be module hell instead?
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JAR Hell#post#java‑basics
A list of the problems that make up JAR hell (classpath hell, dependency hell) and how they relate to development tools like Maven and OSGi.
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Apache JMeter Tutorial#post#performance #tools
Want to load test your web app? Then you should know about Apache JMeter! This tutorial explains the basics and how to create & execute a test plan.
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A Taxonomy Of Comments#post#clean‑comments #documentation
A taxonomy of source code comments that enables further discussion about clean code and comments.
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Stream Performance - Your Ideas#post#java‑8 #performance #streams
Another post about stream performance - this one implements your ideas about how else to approach the topic.
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Stream Performance#post#java‑8 #performance #streams
A close look at stream performance. How do they compare to for and for-each loops oder arrays and lists. And what role plays boxing?
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Java 8 SE Optional, a strict approach#post#java‑8 #optional
Stephen Colebourne presented his pragmatic approach to using Optional. I argue for a stricter one that gets us further without considerable downsides.
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Interview About Comments On DZone#post#clean‑comments #documentation
Matt Werner from DZone interviewed me about my stance on comments.
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Impulse: "Adventures On The Road to Valhalla"#post#java‑next #impulse #project‑valhalla #generics #primitive‑classes
A summary of Brian Goetz' talk "Adventures On The Road to Valhalla" given at JVMLS in August 2015. Focused on generic specialization and the two prototypes.
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All About Project Jigsaw On InfoQ#post#java‑next #java‑9 #project‑jigsaw
My posts about Project Jigsaw got polished and published on InfoQ.
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Thoughts On Comments#post#clean‑code #clean‑comments #documentation
My rant to comment your fucking code sparked some interesting conversations. Here we discuss some of your and my thoughts on the topic of comments.
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Comment Your Fucking Code!#post#clean‑code #clean‑comments #documentation #rant
You think your code is so clean that it doesn't need comments? Then this rant is just for you!
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Casting In Java 8 (And Beyond?)#post#java‑8 #optional #streams
Proposal to implement new casting methods on Java's Class. They aim to fulfill the need for improved ways to cast which was created by Java 8.
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The Features Project Jigsaw Brings To Java 9#post#java‑next #java‑9 #project‑jigsaw
A detailed presentation of the features Project Jigsaw brings to Java 9: modularization, encapsulation, configuration, performance, and more.
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Motivation And Goals Of Project Jigsaw#post#java‑next #java‑9 #project‑jigsaw
A look at how Project Jigsaw (coming in Java 9) aims to solve JAR/classpath hell and at its goals to improve security, maintainability and performance.
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LibFX 0.3.0 Released#post#libfx
Release post for LibFX 0.3.0 including pointers to GitHub, feature descriptions, Maven coordinates and the Javadoc.
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Transforming Collections#post#collections #libfx
Transforming collections are a view onto another collection, making it appear to be of a different parametric type. They are available in LibFX 0.3.0.
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JavaFX, Project Jigsaw and JEP 253#post#java‑next #java‑9 #javafx #project‑jigsaw #patterns
JEP253 aims to prepare JavaFX for Project Jigsaw by defining public APIs for functionality that will become inaccessible due to modularization.
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First Release of JDeps Maven Plugin#post#java‑9 #jdeps #tools #project‑jigsaw
The JDeps Maven Plugin will break a project's build if it contains dependencies on JDK-internal APIs. This helps to prepare for Java 9.
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Impulse: "Crafted Design"#post#architecture #impulse
Summary of the architecture described by Sandro Mancuso in his talk "Crafted Design", held at GeeCON2014.
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LibFX 0.2.1 Released#post#libfx
Release post for LibFX 0.2.1 including pointers to GitHub, feature descriptions, Maven coordinates and the Javadoc.
Image with slug how-java-9-and-project-jigsaw-may-break-your-code
How Java 9 And Project Jigsaw May Break Your Code#post#java‑next #java‑9 #project‑jigsaw #deprecation #migration
With Java 9 comes Project Jigsaw - a modularization of the JDK - which will break existing code. An overview over the planned changes lets you see whether yours is affected.
Image with slug java-getting-rid-of-anonymous-classes
Getting Rid Of Anonymous Classes#post#java‑8 #lambda #techniques
Anonymous classes are verbose and obfuscating. Functional implementations can oust them from their last strongholds (mainly abstract classes).
Image with slug java-default-methods-interface-evolution-failure
Interface Evolution With Default Methods – Part II: Interfaces#post#default‑methods #generics #java‑8
Why interface evolution with default methods does not work for whole interfaces - at least not smooth enough to be practical.
Image with slug agile-architecture
Impulse: "Agile Architecture"#post#agile #architecture #impulse
A summary of the talk "Agile Architecture" given by Molly Dishman and Martin Fowler as the keynote at the O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference.
Image with slug java-pirate-elvis-operator
Roll Your Own Pirate-Elvis Operator#post#java‑8 #lambda #optional
Java has no Elvis operator (or null coalescing operator / null-safe member selection) but with lambda expressions / method references you can roll your own.
Image with slug test-collection-implementations-guava
Test Collection Implementations with Guava#post#collections #libraries #testing
Here's how to use Guava-Testlib to easily and thoroughly test your own Java collection implementations.
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Interface Evolution With Default Methods - Part I: Methods#post#default‑methods #java‑8 #patterns
Patterns for interface evolution with default methods: gradually add, replace and remove interface methods without breaking client code.
Image with slug java-value-based-classes
Value-Based Classes#post#java‑8 #java‑next #project‑valhalla #primitive‑classes
An explanation of value-based classes in Java 8. Why do they exist? What are their limitations? How (not) to use them?
Image with slug android-emulator-haxm-thinkpad-t440p
Running Android Emulator With HAXM On Thinkpad T440p#post#tools
Quick guide to how to use the Android emulator with HAXM (based on VT-x) on a Thinkpad T440p.
Image with slug java-default-methods-guide
Everything You Need To Know About Default Methods#post#default‑methods #java‑8 #java‑basics
Covering literally everything there is to know about Java 8's default methods.
Image with slug javadoc-tags-apiNote-implSpec-implNote
New Javadoc Tags @apiNote, @implSpec, and @implNote#post#java‑8 #tools
There are new Javadoc tags used in Java 8: @apiNote, @implSpec, and @implNote. Take a look at their history, meaning and use on command line and with Maven.
Image with slug hello-2015
Hello 2015!#post#turn‑of-the-year
I'm laying out my new year's resolutions for 2015.
Image with slug goodbye-2014
Goodbye 2014!#post#turn‑of-the-year
I'm taking a look at my open source contributions and blogging achievements in 2014.
Image with slug java-non-capturing-lambdas
Instances of Non-Capturing Lambdas#post#default‑methods #java‑8 #lambda
See how Java's creation of instances of non-capturing lambda expressions can lead to unexpected and possibly bug-inducing behavior.
Image with slug java-multiple-return-statements
Multiple Return Statements#post#clean‑code #java‑basics
An argument for using multiple return statements in a method (as opposed to adhering to the single return myth).
Image with slug java-listenerhandles
Don't Remove Listeners - Use ListenerHandles#post#clean‑code #javafx #libfx
Keeping references around to remove listeners is a hazard. ListenerHandles encapsulate the complexity and LibFX has an implementation.
Image with slug libfx-0-2-0
LibFX 0.2.0 Released#post#javafx #libfx
Release post for LibFX 0.2.0 including and pointers to GitHub, Feature descriptions, Maven coordinates and the Javadoc.
Image with slug javafx-sources-in-eclipse
JavaFX Sources in Eclipse#post#tools #javafx
A quick step by step guide how to use the JavaFX sources in Eclipse by attaching them to the current JDK.
Image with slug lambdas-java-peek-hood
Impulse: "Lambdas In Java: A Peek Under The Hood"#post#java‑next #impulse #java‑8 #lambda
Discussing the talk "Lambdas in Java: A peek under the hood" given by Brian Goetz at the goto; conference 2013 in Aarhus.
Image with slug serialize-java-optional
Serialize Optional#post#java‑8 #optional #serialization
A summary of why you can't serialize Optional and what can be done to deal with that limitation if necessary.
Image with slug java-serialization-proxy-pattern
The Serialization Proxy Pattern#post#clean‑code #patterns #serialization
A presentation of the Serialization Proxy Pattern as defined in Effective Java. It defines the pattern, describes its implementation and gives examples.
Image with slug java-concepts-serialization
Concepts of Serialization#post#java‑basics #serialization
A close look at serialization and a presentation of some key concepts of Java's serialization system.
Image with slug why-isnt-java-optional-serializable
Why Isn't Optional Serializable?#post#java‑next #java‑8 #optional #serialization #primitive‑classes
Discussing the reasons for not making Java 8's new type Optional serializable.
Image with slug design-java-optional
The Design of Optional#post#java‑next #java‑8 #optional
A digest of how Optional was introduced in Java 8, summarizing the many discussions about it and their key points based on the mail archive of JSR-335.
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Intention Revealing Code With Optional#post#clean‑code #java‑8 #optional
Write intention revealing code with Java 8's new type Optional and prevent most NPEs. This is not optional!
Image with slug architecture-lost-years
Impulse: "Architecture - The Lost Years"#post#architecture #impulse
Discussing the talk "Architecture - The Lost Years", which Robert C. Martin held on several occasions.
Image with slug decorator-pattern-default-methods
The Decorator Pattern With Default Methods#post#clean‑code #patterns #default‑methods #java‑8
Use Java 8's default methods to make the decorator pattern even more beautiful, which results in more concise and readable code.
Image with slug workflows-refactoring
Impulse: "Workflows of Refactoring"#post#impulse #techniques
Discussing the keynote "Workflows of Refactoring" by Martin Fowler at OOP 2014, where he categorizes different reasons for and ways of refactoring.
Image with slug decorator-pattern-saved-my-day
How The Decorator Pattern Saved My Day#post#clean‑code #patterns
A real-life example how the decorator pattern enables future changes and improves code quality by upholding the Single Responsibility Principle.
Image with slug codefx-up-and-running
CodeFX Up And Running#post#meta
Summer recess is officially over and shit got done! Finally, CodeFX is ready to take on the world.
Image with slug libfx-0-1-1
LibFX 0.1.1 Released#post#javafx #libfx
Release post for LibFX 0.1.1 including a description of Nestings and pointers to GitHub, Maven and the Javadoc.
Image with slug foobar
Foobar#post#meta #techniques #record‑args
A foobar post that may accidentally teach you about Foobar.